Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre
Our dementia research
The research of the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre (CDPC) focuses on developing evidence-based guidelines and tools to implement best practice dementia care in the clinical, care and community environments on these themes:
Clinical Guidelines for Dementia
Care Environments and Quality of Life
Planning, Decision-Making and Risk
Evidence for change
The CDPC is an Australian multidisciplinary dementia research centre that focuses on translating evidence-based research to change and improve the care and quality of life of people with dementia.
The CDPC brings together people with dementia and their carers with researchers, clinicians, health care organisations, and industry partners to address areas of national interest in the care of people with dementia.
The outcomes and impact of the CDPC over the six year’s of funding are highlighted in the report “Evidence for Change: CDPC Final Report 2019”. CDPC academic publications, including “Special Issue: Organising care, practice and participative research: Papers from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre” can be found on our publications page.
The Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre provided a submission to the current Royal Commission on Aged Care and Quality Safety earlier this year. Responding to the terms of reference of the Commission, the submission covers research evidence, resources and tools to deliver improved care for people with dementia.
CDPC is a part of the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney.