Our governance
CDPC Directorate
Governance Authority
The Governance Authority oversaw the overall performance of the CDPC, ensuring the CDPC met overarching performance indicators and reflected the needs of the funding partners. The Governance Authority was made up of representatives from the funding bodies, HammondCare, Brightwater Care Group, Helping Hand Aged Care, the NHMRC.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee holds responsibility for monitoring the progress of the CDPC’s activities, as well as making key decisions regarding the approval of new research projects and the allocation of resources.
Enabling Sub-units
Seven Enabling Sub-Units in Research Methodologies, Management of Change and Workforce, Health Economics, Technology and Telehealth, Policy and Legislation, Consumers and Designated System Based Investigators provided Lead Investigators with advice in their area of expertise.
Consumer Involvement in Research
Consumers were involved in constructing research questions, in ensuring activities are appropriately targeted, and involved in project steering committees. They advised project teams on the most effective communication tools for consumers as key stakeholders, and provided feedback in preparing final reports and disseminated results. The Dementia Australia Consumer Investigator, Ms Joan Jackman, co-ordinated the overall contribution of the consumer network and was a member of the CDPC’s Executive Committee.
Designated System Based Investigators
The Designated System Based Investigators (DSBIs) were staff members of the aged care Funding Partners. They provided linkages between research projects and aged care service providers and actively participated in knowledge translation, dissemination and implementation of research outputs.